2617 N. Fowler Ave, Fresno CA 93727

Phone (559) 292-3800   Fax (559) 292-4900




Price Factors:

One of the most commonly asked questions we hear is, “What does it cost?” The real answer is a little more complex than it may seem. You can just look at the price list and see the price, but the actual cost requires a more comprehensive approach. First of all, every Dynapack package includes everything necessary to do a dyno run as soon as it is unpacked and assembled. There are no hidden costs. Most other dynos require you to purchase additional equipment to use the machine - this must be taken into consideration.

Another major factor is operating cost. Some dynos require high-current electrical supplies, water cooling towers, frequent calibration, and more. These things all cost money - the amount of electricity used to run an eddy-current brake alone can be substantial. The Dynapack requires none of this. We use less power than two personal computers.

Installation can also be expensive. Some dyno companies charge extra for this - we do not. Roller dynos usually require a platform, or a pit to be built, special electrical connections to be run, etcetera. In most normal installations, there are no installation costs with a Dynapack.

Our requirements are:

Electrical: A simple 110-Volt, 15A household outlet. Our usual current draw is around 4 - 5 amps.
Water: Regular household garden-hose type supply.
Maintenance: The oil in the pods may need to be changed about once every five years.
Calibration: None. Self calibrating. 

That’s it.

Personalized training is also available at our facility with every machine - many companies also charge for this, or for a small extra charge, we can come to your shop for personal training and setup.  We make sure that you thoroughly understand all aspects of the dyno operation. We also give our customers our personal cell phone numbers so we can answer important technical questions at any time - including weekends and evenings.

You also have to look at insurance costs. Don’t just tell your insurance agent that you bought a chassis dyno.  The standard that they go by is the roller-type dyno. Insurance agents are understandably nervous about the possibility of a vehicle flying off of a roller dyno and wreaking havoc in your shop - and will charge accordingly! Your insurance costs will most likely be substantially lower if you show your agent the difference and explain just how much safer a Dynapack is. So far, we have yet to have any of our customers see an increase in their shop liability insurance. We have heard of quotes of $200 to $700 per month quoted for a roller dyno. This is also a major factor that must be taken into consideration. 

The bottom line is, you have to factor in all of your monthly costs. The funny thing is, many of the recurring costs that our competitors have, don’t go away after the machine is paid for - like electricity and insurance. Our cost is usually limited to the lease payment, or the purchase price only.

Our cost:                                        Our competitors cost:

Purchase price or lease payment       Purchase price or lease payment
                                                        Additional components
                                                         Installation costs
                                                         Training costs 
                                                         Lost shop space

You need to add all of these things together to find your true cost. As you can see, if all you look at is the list price, you aren’t really making a fair comparison. If you are purchasing on a lease, you can break all of this down to monthly costs and the suddenly the cost of owning the best chassis dyno in the world doesn’t cost much (if any) more than owning a really average machine. Add to this, the additional income potential you now have by owning a machine that allows you to really tune the vehicle, and it is very easy to make the Dynapack a profit generating machine. If the machine is paying for itself and generating a profit, there is no reason not to own the best. 

Some of our customers are unsure of the amount of revenue that they can generate with the machine. If you like, we can prepare a spreadsheet showing your income potential based on your estimates. If you would like us to prepare a cost vs. profit spreadsheet for you, just let us know and we will be happy to do it for you.

For specific pricing for your application, please call the Dynapack USA office @ (888) 283-4366 between 9am and 5pm Pacific time, Monday through Friday.

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