2617 N. Fowler Ave, Fresno CA 93727

Phone (559) 292-3800   Fax (559) 292-4900




Other Benefits:


Ease of use:  The Dynapack is Windows based and all of the software is pre-installed and tested on the supplied computer.  Our software is very easy to learn and use.  Fast set-up time:  Two people can take a Dynapack from its "put away" state and have a vehicle running on it in less than ten minutes - four-wheel drive vehicles take roughly twenty minutes.

Lack of dedicated shop space:

Do you have room for a large platform?  If so, will you have much room left?  If you lease the building, will you be allowed to cut a pit into the floor?  Do you want to "lose" that space to the dyno?  What if you decide to move?  With the Dynapack, none of these things are an issue.  You can keep all of your floor space.  we occupy a small storage space when not in use.  The model 3000 can be stored in an area as small as two and one-half feet by nine feet.  You can bring it out, perform the testing, then put it away when you are finished.

Noise factors:

Our dyno at speed generates approximately 40dB - much quieter than the engine at idle.  This is especially beneficial if you want to perform NVH testing.  Dynapacks are already in use in NVH labs - making detailed sound measurement possible.  You will also find that you can now use your ears as an additional diagnostic tool, since all you will be hearing is the vehicle.  Detonation, exhaust noises, bearing noises, belt slippage, etcetera are all easily audible now.

Safety factors:

Cars do come off of roller dynos, and when they do, it isn't pretty.  People can get seriously hurt or even killed.  We aren't trying to scare you, it does happen.  Some of our sales have been to customers who have had employees jeopardized in this way and vowed never to let it happen again.  What would happen if a car came loose from our dyno?  So far, it hasn't happened - about the only way for this to happen would be if you were EXTREMELY negligent in your vehicle set-up, but if it did happen, it would just fall to the floor.  So you and your insurance agent can breathe a big sigh of relief and sleep better at night.  Your business liability insurance should be dramatically lower than a roller dyno as well.


That's right, its portable.  This opens up incredible opportunities.  Need to move your place of business?  No problem.  Want to operate as a mobile dyno business?  No problem.  Take it to another shop when it may be impractical to move the vehicle.  You could operate this dyno in a household garage if you want to.  Notice that other companies charge extra for "portable dyno packages".  This is a built-in feature of our machine, and is much easier to deal with when you transport it.  Take it with you to the racetrack.  You can test, tune, and diagnose your car under load right in your pit area.  Picture this:  You have used all of your practice sessions and you have to make a major change to your car before the race.  You can now make sure that the engine and drivetrain are performing properly before going out to the starting grid.  You can now enter the race with confidence instead of crossed fingers.

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